Vehicle Wrap Installation Guide

Vehicle Wrap Installation Guide

Necessary Tools:

  • Felt-tipped squeegee – for applying the graphic
  • Hobby knife (OLFA or XACTO) – for trimming excess vinyl
  • Air release tool – for removing air bubbles
  • Rivet brush – for installation over rivets
  • Heat gun – for heating vinyl during complex applications

Pre-Installation Preparation:

  1. Clean the Vehicle: Thoroughly wash the exterior of your vehicle to remove any dirt, grime, or road film. Ensure there are no obstructions, such as mirrors, moldings, handles, locks, or emblems. While not mandatory, removing these components can improve the installation process.
  2. Final Wipe: Use a 70% Isopropyl Alcohol solution for a final wipe down to ensure the surface is free of residues. For stubborn spots, apply bug and tar remover, followed by another alcohol wipe before proceeding with the vinyl application.

Installation Instructions:

Start at the Rear: Begin the installation process at the rear of the vehicle, working forward. This ensures proper overlap between panels.

  1. Dry Fit the Vinyl: Test the placement of the vinyl by positioning it against the panel. Make adjustments as needed to ensure a perfect fit. Once satisfied with the placement, use masking tape along the top edge to hold the vinyl in position.
  2. Remove Backing and Apply Vinyl: Starting from the taped edge, slowly peel off the backing of the vinyl. As you pull the backing away, apply mild pressure with the squeegee, working from the center outward and from top to bottom. Continue smoothing the vinyl, eliminating any visible wrinkles or bubbles.
  3. Avoid Stretching: Do not stretch the vinyl over hard-to-reach areas, body indentations, or tight curves, as this can cause the material to tear. Instead, gently lift the vinyl away from the panel and squeegee it into the recessed areas.
  4. Eliminate Bubbles: After trimming around any obstacles, use an air release tool or a pin to puncture any air bubbles. Push the air out gently or squeegee toward the puncture to eliminate bubbles.
  5. Handle Curves and Dents: For areas with curves or dents, use a heat gun or hair dryer to soften the vinyl, making it easier to smooth out wrinkles. Keep the heat source several inches away from the material and use low heat to avoid damaging the vinyl.
  6. Relief Cuts: For contoured edges or curves, make relief cuts at the material's edge. Overlap the pieces by at least ¼ inch to ensure complete coverage. Press the edges together firmly and apply slight heat to ensure adhesion.
  7. Final Check: Once the installation is complete, inspect the vinyl for any remaining air bubbles, wrinkles, or imperfections. Apply firm pressure, heat, and squeegee or brush out any problem areas to achieve a smooth finish.


Once satisfied with the vinyl application, reinstall any components that were removed at the beginning of the process.